Jeffrey 19th February 2017

Chris, I admired your military career rising from the ranks to be commissioned and promoted Major that took you to many places including Northern Ireland, Germany, Bosnia, Nepal and UK. Your natural affinity with brass band music was appreciated by myself and many others both within the Salvation Army and the British Military at Neller Hall, especially those you taught to play. Your fitness displayed by the completion of 49 marathons engendered admiration among your military colleagues and family some of whom were persuaded to run the London Marathon. Your infectious enthusiasm for golf enabled many of your friends to participate as you demonstrated that the game could be enjoyed without being able to hit the ball with length or accuracy, even extending to your sister Jan. Your provision of support for Jan’s flying lessons were received with a degree of trepidation by me. I much appreciated your support to Jan while I worked in foreign parts, while she pursued her academic studies when she stayed with you in Diss often driving there in her little red sports car. Jan and I will certainly miss your presence at parties at Wycombe and Kingston. May you now be reunited with Rosie in Heaven. Love Jeff